I thought I would show off my studio while it is in a moderately clean state. This room use to belong to Cleary, but it was the least utilized space in our tiny 2 bedroom condo. Prior to evicting Cleary from his bedroom he would off and on sleep in his own bed at night, but most often he preferred to sleep with us. At first we were very concerned about Cleary making the transition from co-sleeping to sleeping in his own room at night before the new baby makes his arrival, but we realized that those concerns came from advice that friends and family had given us, not from what we actually wanted. In the end we decided that we love co-sleeping and their is no reason for us to move Cleary out of our room. We have an Arm's Reach cocoon co-sleeper for Soren and if we decided that we are too crowded we will get a toddler bed for Cleary to go at the end of our bed. Parenting is trial and error, and for now we believe that this will be what's best for our family and most likely to keep our home peaceful.
The good new is that I get to have a studio space! In order to make room for the co-sleeper, I needed to move my rarely used sewing desk out. I asked Cleary if he minded the takeover of his bedroom, he said he would share... so his desk and bookshelf stayed.
It was a hard decision to let go of conventionality and literally move him completely into our room, but for the past two years he has had a bedroom because we thought he had to have one... and now I have a studio that gets plenty of use everyday! And I am excited to show it off to you guys.
All of this furniture was in our bedroom, so obviously we have room for two little boys. I will share pictures of how we have our bedroom set up once all of the baby stuff is organized.
My assistants desk. |
fabric cutting table |
getting some work done! |
Cleary and I planted a sunflower seed and it's growing! |
Usually I only get to work in the studio during naptime and after bedtime, but I got lucky tody! |
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